About Me!!

 Get To Know Me A Little

Before we get started i would like everyone to get know me a little better so we have an idea!

Well, to be honest, I love Travelling a lot!

I have been travelling since I was 6 months old. So, my name is Gandharvika, I'm 14. I live in India and love to travel around the world in different places. My dad had had a job where he used to keep getting transferred to different places and hence we had to travel a lot. He started traveling with me and mom ever since I turn 6 months old. I have been to a lot of countries and cities around the world also seen a lot of states in India. For starters, I was born in Gurgaon, moved to Pune, Maharashtra when I was 6 with my younger sister Nandika who was 3 back then in 2011. We stayed in Pune for 10 years and then moved to Bangalore. We currently stay in Bangalore and are starting to explore the city. I have already had a tour of Bangalore back in 2019 and know about the main attractions here.

Anyways, so i have seen places like Germany, Israel, Telaviv and a lot more other places.

Here are a few picture of me when I was young and travelling with my parents!!

Me in Shenjiamen, Zhejiang, China

Me with my Dad: Praveen Kumar at the Seven Wonder Park in Shanghai!

Me with my Mom: Smita Kumar in Shanghai

Me in Stuttgart, Germany

Me with my dad by the lake!!

Yay mom!!

Oohh that's me!!

I love you both!!<3<3

So I hope you all loved this blog, if you did let me know in the comments on what places would you like to know about?
So I'll see you guys in the next blog
Till then stay safe and stay healthy
See ya'll

Don't Forget to check out my other Blogs as well @ https://gandharvikasblogs.blogspot.com/


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